We are delighted to welcome you to Neal Communities website. This document constitutes the terms upon which you may use the Neal Communities website and the services provided thereon (the “Terms of Use”). The site and services thereon is offered to you, the user, on the condition that you accept without modification the terms, conditions and notices contained in this Terms of Use. Your use of this site constitutes your acceptance and agreement thereto. If you do not agree to these Terms of Use, you should not use or access this site.
The purpose of this site is to provide you with information about Neal Communities, its affiliates, and their services, products, communities and properties. This site is for your personal and non-commercial use. You may not modify, copy, distribute, transmit, display, perform, or create derivative works from information or material on this site. You may not use this site to engage in any unlawful activity, to infringe on the rights of Neal Communities, its affiliates or others or in any way that is prohibited by these Terms of Use.
Information presented on the Neal Communities website is considered reliable; however, because Neal Communities is constantly improving our product, we reserve the right to revise, change, and/or substitute elevations, floor plans, product features, dimensions, specifications, architectural details and designs without notice. All renderings, elevations, floor plans and maps are an artist’s conception, and are not intended to be an actual depiction of the buildings, fencing, walks, driveways or landscaping. All dimensions have been calculated from architectural drawings and may be subject to minor variations during construction. Images used on this website are for illustration purposes only and are not part of a legal contract. Furniture and landscaping shown illustrate designs possible with a Neal Communities home, and may not be included. This website is for informational purposes only, and should not be the sole basis of a decision to purchase any property. Please see our sales representatives with any questions. We do business in accordance with the Federal Fair Housing Law.
Prices shown are subject to change without notice.
The compilation copyright to this site, the design and appearance of this web site, and all of the materials and content on this web site, including without limitation, all text, graphics, drawings, images, charts, pictures, maps, photographs, images, line art, icons, renditions and floor plans, are owned or licensed by Neal Communities or its affiliates. These materials are protected by federal law against unauthorized copying and reproduction. Any use, reproduction or distribution of material from this site (except as permitted herein) without written permission of Neal Communities is expressly prohibited. You may download one copy of the downloadable items displayed on this site for your personal, noncommercial review only, provided that you maintain all copyright and other notices contained in such content and make no other use thereof. All other use, and all copying and reproduction thereof, is strictly prohibited. Anyone who prints, downloads, copies or otherwise communicates information from this web site is responsible for communicating these Terms of Use to the person(s) to whom such information is communicated and to ensure their compliance thereto, and further agrees to hold Neal Communities harmless against any and all claims arising out of or in connection with their failure to abide by these Terms of Use.
Copyright 2021 Neal Communities. All rights reserved. No reproduction, distribution, or transmission of the copyrighted materials of this site is permitted without the written permission of Neal Communities